About Us: team
Vera Ivanchenko-Varlamova / Designer, Illustrator
Here is what Vera writes about herself: When I was 4, an artist-kindergartner used to come to our kindergarten to draw pictures with kids and then she got sick — this marked the commencement of my career... drawings for my group members, school of arts, college, university, exhibitions, I even used to have my solo exhibition at Maria gallery in my hometown. I go out sketching en plein air. I love emotionally saturated works. I like to discover new things. I consider wacom pads to be the most revolutionary achievement in computer design!
But all of these fade away before the main designer’s dignity — the hyphenated last name! For it is extremely honorary for a designer (artistic soul) to have such a last name.
icons Qt Icons for mobile developers
icons Storebrand Large and beautiful icon-illustrations