About Us: team

Anastasiya Korovina / Manager

I love the graphics by Wayshak and Giger and hate unillustrated books. I love my coffee in the morning and works of Gibson and Noon (and cyberpunk in general). I love Scandinavian design and my cat. Travelling is what I adore – want to visit New Zealand someday.

I have no problem getting along with people and helping them out. I very well could be a librarian for my habit of classifying and storing things. I find such work appeasing. Fortunately working for Turbomilk is 100500 times more fun. I am meticulous about details and like to notice some behaviorisms in people.

I play games at leisure (table and teenage types). My Google reader skims over 50 blogs devoted to interior design and architecture. I find observing things above the 2nd floor as the most exciting pastime in a new city.