About Us: team

Alexey Golovanov / Designer

Engineer by degree – designer at heart.

I love books on design. If I don’t buy one, I at least print one out to peruse at leisure. I try to read at least one per month.

I love sketching in pencil and industrial design.

I also love to work. It does not necessarily mean that I do not appreciate some rest. I find the statement “he is happy, who feeds from the work he likes” to be true and accurate. I like to go all the way in pursuit of truth regardless the time it takes. In design I value precision, attention to detail and meticulous execution.

24 hours a day is just ain’t enough for me, since I want to accomplish more. And if a human could do well without sleep (with no consequences), I would give up sleeping :)

I love movies! Some I have seen many times over and some I even know by heart. Also I am a fairly good guitarist.